Lord Mayor’s Parade (Email)

Posted: under All.

From t.drake@anemailaddress.com  (not a real email address)
To Mrs.Brewster@hortonparkprimary.co.uk  (not a real email address)

Hi Carol,

I just have to say what a fantastic day Tansy and I had with Horton Park’s yrs 5 & 6 on Friday. What a great group! Iv’e been telling all my friends!

It was quite an ambitious project, I did have a few concerns that we may not complete in THREE hours! I have never worked alongside such a focusses and committed group of young people (and on a Friday!).
We met budding engineers with the designing and construction of the tables. I heard some great suggestions “…if we wrap the string in the diagonal…” and “it will be stronger if we bput the card this way…”
During the food preperations we didn’t just get burger and chips. I had a brilliant “healthy eating” conversations following my comment of lettuce, strips of carrot and oatmeal bread.
Other conversations, if I was the Queen… Why do we have a Queen?… and what my best party outfit will be…
Tansy and I were blown away with pride at the cupcakes and chocolate cake centrepieces. It all came together so naturally. Brilliant teamwork!
I can’t wait for the parade and I hope you don’t mind me sharing your pride?

Lets hope it doesn’t rain or as one girl said “…it could all end in mush!”

Well done team!

Go well

Tracy Drake – Workshop Facilitator

Comments (0) Jul 10 2013